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uPPER Back
Pain and tension across the shoulders, near the bra-line or between the shoulder blades
Neck stiffness, jaw pain, and/or headaches
Tingling in the arms or hands and wrist pain
Often the symptoms listed above will occur along with low back pain, weakened abdominal muscles and a weak pelvic floor will cause; when this happens it’s called Postpartum Pain Syndrome.
Unfortunately women suffering from Postpartum Pain Syndrome may be misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia or arthritis and be placed on long term pain medication which will only mask the pain and not fix the root cause of the problem.
Reasons &
Pain and symptoms are aggravated by:
Weakened core muscles from pregnancy
Prolonged static posture (such as nursing and feeding an infant)
Repetitive movements (changing diapers, lifting baby, etc)
Carrying baby on your hip (aka the mom pose)
Carrying the awkward and bulky car seat
Lack of sleep
Emotional stress
And adapting to a new family dynamic
These symptoms can be a huge contributor to postpartum depression. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you are physically not feeling your best.
There is usually a disconnect in the abdominal/core muscles following pregnancy. Physical therapy can help regain this connection to improve core strength, posture and alignment, and provide you with different strategies to tackle every day movements efficiently and effectively to avoid further pain.
That means, we come to you!
This gives us an advantage to do a full Mother’s Ergonomic Assessment in your home setting, where we review your nursing station (or what we call a throne), changing area, car set up, chores, sleeping, and any other daily activities mothers face setting you up for success.
We work with you one-on-one to release tight muscles, strengthen others, and provide you with a Home Exercise Program you can integrate right into your busy routine.
We like to provide functional movements and exercises rather than handing you a piece of paper stating to do 2x10 of certain exercises.
Bump Fit Physical Therapy is different from most outpatient clinics in the fact that we are a concierge service.
We are busy mothers and if we don’t have time to drink our coffee hot, than we definitely don’t have time for 2 sets of 10 of different exercises.
Meet The Team

Doctor of Physical Therapy | Corrective Exercise Specialist| Prenatal and Postpartum Exercise Specialist| Concussion Specialist
Dr. Sigri Reyes is the owner and founder of Bump Fit Physical Therapy. Through her personal experiences in pregnancy and postpartum, Dr. Reyes’ interest peaked in this specialized field because she realized follow up visits with her OBGYN were not as comprehensive as other countries around the world. This leaves many postnatal women at risk for injuries, pain and movement dysfunctions.
Get the high quality, one-on-one patient care you deserve!

Corrective Exercise Specialist through National Academy of Sports Medicine.

We have advanced training through The Tummy Team.

Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise
Specialist through Knocked Up Fitness
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